Илон Маск
авиаконструктор, актёр, изобретатель, инженер, предприниматель, программист
Илон Маск
Илон Маск

Сооснователь компании PayPal; основатель, совладелец, генеральный директор и главный инженер компании SpaceX; генеральный директор и главный идейный вдохновитель (Chief Product Architect) компании Tesla; также был членом совета директоров компании SolarCity, основанной его двоюродными братьями, до её слияния с Tesla.

В рейтинге миллиардеров журнала Forbes в 2018 году его состояние оценивалось более чем в $22,5 млрд.

Place of birth:Претория
Date of birth:28 June 1971
@AskDrStupid Just a Surface Detail
@ErcXspace I hope we don’t go bankrupt building them!
Off Twitter for a while
It will be filled with graffiti art
@eiraum мы сделаем
Giga Berlin progress https://t.co/ekpG5qcbUi
@hamoon__ @neuralink Neuralink is working super hard to ensure implant safety & is in close communication with the… https://t.co/Yky1llPUMd
@RGVaerialphotos @SpaceX Yes
@flcnhvy Tesla is responsible for 2/3 of all the personal & professional pain in my life combined. But it was worth it.
So proud of the Tesla team for achieving this major milestone! At the start of Tesla, I thought we had (optimistica… https://t.co/1wlybPKMZj
RT @Tesla: In 2020, we produced and delivered half a million cars. Huge thanks to all those who made this possible. https://t.co/q43vz6RMhd
@TeslaGong @TeslaTested Yes
@ICannot_Enough @TeslaTested Autopilot team is making great progress. Reality sure is complicated!
@ErcXspace @MarcusHouseGame @brendan2908 @BocaChicaGal @NASASpaceflight Aspiring to have no flame diverter in Boca,… https://t.co/KyENxZ94oy
@eugenelee3 @MarcusHouseGame @brendan2908 @BocaChicaGal @NASASpaceflight We do have giant steel balls haha
@TeslaTested We just completed a financing round, but will let you know when there is another one
@Erdayastronaut @PPathole @SpaceX Above 50% likely to make it
@PPathole @SpaceX This is a test engine. Flight articles are fixed with no gimbal.
@SpaceX Worth noting that thrust is only slightly higher with the big bell nozzle version. Larger bell is primarily… https://t.co/KIeGOvt0rD
RT @SpaceX: The first Raptor Vacuum engine (RVac) for Starship has shipped from SpaceX’s rocket factory in Hawthorne, California to our dev…
@Tesmanian_com Yes
@archillect Twin Peaks
@SamTalksTesla Working on my Mom’s cousin’s farm in Saskatchewan at age 17. I think we did a barn-raising that day.
@wonderofscience https://t.co/y7LrlouXr9
@Erdayastronaut Not sure yet, but hopefully. Will need leg & other repairs. Probably SN6 flies before SN5. We need… https://t.co/CGXSNck6uv
@lexfridman Clearly
@nichegamer Whoop whoop!!
Thanks Mom!!! @mayemusk https://t.co/eyMgV45ypT
@EVHQ2 @Tesla This does seem high
And some vitamin k too
Ok u can have a little emerald https://t.co/3LzPe4aG4B
@Erdayastronaut Have you tried a hydrophobic spray?
This is mainly for staffing up 4 production shifts for 24/7 operations, but engineers, supervisors & support person… https://t.co/33J54FoitV
Starship career day at the Stargate building (Boca Chica Blvd, TX) this Thursday from 3pm to 9pm!
Going max hardcore on design/production Starship here in Boca. It’s awesome! Feels a bit like a Mars simulator.
@justpaulinelol @reto_siegrist @flcnhvy @thirdrowtesla Definitely!
@vincent13031925 I appreciate the kind words!
@IamKarenBoBaran @georgezachary Those old ladies are wise https://t.co/f1uxKvCfbB
@georgezachary Meant to say other forms of “the cold”, not influenza https://t.co/38sqqL3f7i
@georgezachary There is considerable conflation of diagnosis & contraction of “corona”. Actual virality is much low… https://t.co/huyh4wasP5
@BenYu604 I become Tiesto at night
Vibbbe https://t.co/21WKNOnMXZ
I wrote the lyrics & performed the vocals!!
Be … cause … it’s … you
Don’t Doubt ur Vibe https://t.co/5FJNJXUxW0
this song is hard
Hope you’re enjoying the simulation https://t.co/nj9JTJc4lL
Be … cause … it’s … true
@poebist крипто
Releasing soon on Emo G Records!
@Erdayastronaut @Blamblas @latimes @SpaceX @blueorigin Exactly. Mars propellant production will combine atmospheric… https://t.co/3RKJkZG1eF
@thirdrowtesla This number won’t leave me alone!
Just wrote a song called “Don’t doubt yer vibe”
Phony https://t.co/w9nyOAxQus
@Nicoo_Correa Haha true
@thirdrowtesla True
@universal_sci The sun is green (peak photon frequency)
Bitcoin is *not* my safe word
@Grimezsz x is y
@teslaownersSV Sure
I put the art in fart
@fvckgerry Haha spectrum af
Tesla China Team Such amazing progress!!
@BnOrdhaug @Erdayastronaut I haven’t cross-checked RCS pulses with the MLI dimpling on the video, but it’s most likely the cause
@webtekno Nice
@Erdayastronaut Since there’s only one main engine, which gives pitch and yaw control, roll control is provided by… https://t.co/penNCjMqCE
@RenataKonkoly @RationalEtienne Just tryin to grow my follower count on pornhub …
@waitbutwhy DKE^DKE
@flcnhvy Sprockets was amazing
@nichegamer King of the Goblins, Master of the Labyrinth
@annerajb @waitbutwhy Looks like a thin, flat, round UFO on a stick. Starlink Terminal has motors to self-adjust op… https://t.co/LeH0qU4XCD
Elon Musk
Elon Musk - Munzinger Biographie
Elon Musk
Elon Musk | Royal Society
Fortune favours the brave
Play the PC game Elon Musk wrote as a pre-teen
Персона - Илон Маск, гендиректор компаний Tesla Motors и SpaceX - Ведомости
Timeline: Elon Musk’s accomplishments
Совет директоров Tesla возглавила менеджер из Австралии. Ее взяли на замену отстраненному Илону Маску — Meduza
Алекперов, Михельсон и Тимченко вошли в рейтинг самых удачливых миллиардеров в 2018 году | Миллиардеры | Forbes.ru