Дойл Брансон
писатель, игрок в покер
Дойл Брансон
Дойл Брансон
Дойл Брансон (англ. Doyle F. Brunson; род. 10 августа 1933, г. Лонгворт, штат Техас, США) — профессиональный игрок в покер. «Легенда» мирового покера. Член Зала славы покера с 1988 года. В 1976 году с 10♠ 2♠ обыграл Джесса Алто (A♠ J♦), а в 1977 — Гэри Берланда (10♠ 2♥ против 8♥ 5♣), с тех пор, карты 10-2 имеют прозвище «рука Брансона». В 1978 году Брансон опубликовал книгу «Супер Система», в которой раскрыл ряд секретов профессионального мастерства и которая стала настольной для многих будущих звёзд покера. Стал одним из первых игроков в истории, заработавшим $1 000 000. Вместе с Джонни Ченом и Филом Айви делит второе место по общему количеству браслетов WSOP (по десять), уступая только Филу Хельмуту. Один из четырёх игроков, выигрывавших главный турнир WSOP более одного раза. На 2011 год сумма выигранных им призовых превысила $6M.
Place of birth:Фишер
Date of birth:10 August 1933
My internet has been out all day. I felt like I had lost my best friend.
Thank you! Can't believe it was written 16 years ago...seems like yesterday. https://t.co/WSs8HFrT6V
How many tweets a day do u make? Seems like 25% of my twitter feed is you. https://t.co/EJBstJ22b6
Watch this @MattGlantz. Now tell me Trump can't win!! https://t.co/AKCrkDN0tr
@MattGlantz Dont count your chickens until the eggs hatch. If Biden has nerve enough to debate Trump, he will lose.… https://t.co/at1notp3UW
I agree. If @mcuban would run on the Republican ticket, he would be in. https://t.co/Y4kliH9KcE
Did you ever wonder why women can't put mascara on with their mouth closed?
Another thing about being in quarantine...I have always taken at least one shower a day. Except when I was growing… https://t.co/auQUjzfXVG
Scary!! https://t.co/zHXIM0iacp
RT @ToddBrunson: Chicken pizza @RomaDeliCafe https://t.co/0AxPIn6sym
RT @TexDolly: That looks like a 1st edition. Pretty expensive.I'm in a self quarantine mode. The Corona can't touch me, I've been robbed at…
Don't bet on it. https://t.co/aja3GrCgel
That looks like a 1st edition. Pretty expensive.I'm in a self quarantine mode. The Corona can't touch me, I've been… https://t.co/o6bacQn6ZB
@greglaurie Is using stem cells a no-no from Christianity?
RT @CKingery_LPD: Looking to trade a bottle of hand sanitizer and 3 rolls of toilet paper for a 72’ Chevelle.
Why can't you see oxygen? You know it's there....same with Chip. https://t.co/lM9j91yoFZ
partly https://t.co/SO4ozxSNqa
google it https://t.co/0Qk14WXfcH
If Trump runs, which is almost a cinch, I'll bet 23k to 20k he is our next president. https://t.co/Y9EkOPByyd
This guy must know me. He is right! https://t.co/zyy6qfluob
RT @welcomet0nature: "What did you do??" https://t.co/0qXbxlyULq
Of course I would be playing online https://t.co/E1o8RQ0UCa
you guys are no more at risk than Las Vegas poker players. Especially with this Chinese New Year stuff.… https://t.co/39xr7pYttf
2nd laugh of the day https://t.co/fhkRTQ1fVf
my laugh of the day https://t.co/PqRYC8fRms
RT @ToddBrunson: We have the best; real Italian gelato, tiramisu, cheesecake from New York and/or ours made in house, Italian cookies, limo…
That is correct but there are hard cases that have tried. I set a record in a small firearm contest at Fort Hood in… https://t.co/R4GqQSe26U
@ColinCowherd @RLZ54 @TheHerd Give me the guy from Oregon. If I was a betting man, I would bet a lot of money he ha… https://t.co/GLghr4UpT3
My HSU preacher. Our university graduates preachers and teachers by the thousands. Only graduated one professional… https://t.co/CHn87bdOhH
No, my money is in the bank and in Bellagio chips in the safety deposit boxes. Thanks for attempting to get me rob… https://t.co/tkb7oMS51v
RT @TexDolly: Got an e-mail that gave the following event....Blomberg wins presidency. Hillary Clinton is his vice president. Next day head…